Mind mapping technique is a technique by which you can learn anything very fast. It does not matter you are in school, college or preparing for any government job it will really help you. This technique will improve your learning ability hundred times faster. It is scientifically proved superfast learning method.
Before discussing the technique some basic facts you need to know for this technique and these are scientifically proved.
· Human memories are two types one is short term memory and other is long term memory.
· Human mind easily learn anything in image format.
Our mind does not know which is important for us. You need to give instruction to your mind which is important for you and mind will remember that for you.
For example you remember that road which you walked five years ago and for the chapter you read 3 days ago. In this article not only you learn how to learn fast, you are also going to learn how to remember those things.
How to use mind mapping technique?
Generally students read any topic and take notes of that topic and revise that topic. This is not a perfect a way. Maximum students forget what they read after few days.
Mind mapping technique you need to create note in picture format. Human mind easily learn anything in image format is scientifically proved.
How to create note in image format?
Suppose you read a topic. Take 10 minute and remember main point’s .Take a paper creates shapes (circle, triangle etc.) which you like and in between the shapes write topics. Middle of the page write main topic. Divide main topic into subtopics by using arrow and shapes. If subtopics have divisions then using arrow and shapes divide subtopics. If there any interlinking points write that using arrow.
Using this technique you can make one 20 -30 page chapter note in one page. You can complete the book within 7-8 pages. Now you don’t need to revise the complete the whole book. Now you only need to revise only 7-8 pages. After creating these notes don’t arrange them chapter wise.
You understand this technique and crate notes. Now a big questions comes your mind how to send these notes to long term memory.
How to send anything to long term memory?
Your mind is able to do anything. You cannot imagine how powerful your mind is. Sending anything into long term memory you need to revise that thing five times.
Now question come your mind
How much time interval you should revise?
You need to revise 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 21th day. Using five times revision technique you give instruction to your mind is it important for you. Mind will remember that thing for long time.
Is it time consuming method?
If you take 10 minute to read anything. First time revision will take 5 minute. You complete 2nd revision 2.5 minute. Daily we waste many times in playing mobile games, watching videos. It is only 5 – 10 minute method. It is not a time consuming method.
If you have any queries feel free to ask.