Vacanceis in Baba Farid University of Health Sciences for Faculty and other posts April 2015

BFUHS jobs at

Baba Farid University of Health Sciences (BFUHS)

Sadiq Road, Faridkot 151203, Punjab
Applications are invited on or before 20/4/2015 upto 5.00P.M. from the eligible candidates for filling up the following vacant posts on  Regular/Adhoc/Contract basis in the University office/ constituent colleges of the University:

Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot

1. Controller of Examinations; 1

GGS Medical College & Hospital, Faridkot

2. Professor-13-Anatomy-1, Microbiology-1, Pharmacology-1, Dermatology, Venerelogy & Leprosy-1, Orthopaedics-1, General Surgery-2, E.N.T-1, Anesthesia-1, Nuclear Medicine-1, General Medicine-1, Peadiatric-1, Ophthalmology-1

3.Associate Professor-12-Paediatrics-2, General Medicine-1, General Surgery-1, Community Medicine-1, Orthopaedics-1, Neurosurgery-1, Plastic Surgery-1, Psychiatry-1, Immuno-Haematology & Blood Transfusion-1, Radiodiagnosis-1, Nuclear Medicine-1

4. Asstt Professor-11-General Medicine-1, Community Medicine-1, Neurosurgery-2, , Obst.&Gynae-2, Anesthesia-1, Nuclear Medicine-1, Gastro-Surgery-1, Radiodiagnosis-2

5. Senior Resident-26- Gen Medicine-3, Gen. Surgery-5, Peadiatric-2, Anaesthesia-2, Eye-2, Psychiatry-2, Radiotherapy-2, Neurosurgery-2, Plastic Surgery-2, Radiodiadnosis-4

6. Junior Resident – 10 – General Medicine-3, General Surgery-1, Orthopaedics-2, OBG-2, Paediatrics-2

7. Tutor 9 – Community Medicine-4, Pathology-2, Forensic Medicine-1, ImmunoHaematology & Blood Trasfusion-1, Pharmacology-1

8. L.M.O-1 – Lady Medical Officer-1 ( for Rural Training Health Centre)

9. Dialysis Technician- 1

Advanced Cancer Diagnostic Treatment and Research Centre, Bathinda

10. Associate Professor Radiotherapy-1,

11.Assistant Professor Radiology-1,

12. Medical Physicist-2


1. Controller of Examinations : (to be decided later on)
2. Professor- Rs. 37400-67000+10000G.P
3. Associate Professor- Rs. 37400-67000+8900 G.P
4. Assistant Professor – Rs..37400-67000+8600 G.P
5. Senior Resident – Rs. 55,000/- per month
6 to 8. Junior Resident/LMO/Tutor – Rs. 35,000/- per month
9. Dialysis Technician- Rs. 10,000/- p.m.
12. Medical Physicist- 15600-39100+5400 G.P

How to Apply : Applications in the prescribed format should reach on or before 20/04/2015 upto 5:00 p.m., in the office of the Registrar, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Sadiq Road, Faridkot, Punjab.

Get full details about Baba Farid University of Health Sciences and its Application From/Format, Please visit following website:

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