Choose a career from a bouquet of Opportunities

You have often listened to the words like UPSC aspirant and almost every citizen in India always assumes to be an IAS or IPS as their job profession. For the past few years, everyone is running behind these two profiles as their career options and therefore other job opportunities offered by UPSC are neglected.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is India’s top-tier central recruiting agency for public servants’ jobs. UPSC is responsible for examination and appointment of All India Services and Group A and Group B posts, which comes under civil services cadre, defense services cadre of the government.  In this Article, we will see some other types of job opportunities that one can pursue as their career.

Indian Foreign Services

Indian Foreign Service is a diplomatic civil service, which has two groups namely Group A and Group B of the Central Civil Services. This service is consigned to perform diplomatic relations with India. Indian Foreign Service officers are appointed at the Indian Embassy and at the Ministry of External Affairs. One can easily pursue this if they have their degree in any field. People with good communication skills, decision-making ability, Leadership ability, and lastly but most importantly excellent knowledge about foreign nations and current affairs. Minimum age for applying for the same is 21 years and maximum is 30 years as on 1st of the August in the year of examination.

Indian Forest Services

Indian Forest Service is one of the All-India Service of Government of India. In order to stabilize the ecology of the nation, it carries out the national forest policy. The member of this service also manages various National Parks, The Tiger Reserve, Wildlife Sanctuaries and other Protected Areas. Candidates of IFS should hold a bachelor’s degree in subjects like Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Zoology, Agriculture, Forestry, and Engineering. The minimum age for candidates is 21 years and maximum age is 32 years as on 1st August in the year of examination.

Combined Defence Services

The Commission also offers an option to work in defense services. The officers in Indian Military Academy, Indian Air Force, Indian Naval Academy and Officers Training Academy are recruited from Combined Defense Services Examination. The UPSC CDS Salary is sufficient for having a decent lifestyle. Combined Defense Services or CDS has a great potential to excel your career and make your life much more effortless. The candidates of CDS should have a graduation for Indian Military Academy and officers Training Academy, graduation (with physics and mathematics at class 12) or Bachelor in Engineering for Air Force Academy, also a compulsory engineering degree if you wish to apply for Indian Naval Academy. The age group for Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, Air Force Academy and Officers Training Academy varies from profile to profile.

Combined Medical Services

Combined Medical Services recruits as a medical officer in numerous other organizations such as IOF, IR i.e Indian Railway, Municipal Corporation functioning under Government of India. A CMS Officer is recruited at different healthcare posts of the government department of India. The medical officer is appointed at any central department; the medical officer should be within 8 km radius only as the medical officer’s help may be required any time. Candidates must hold a degree in MBBS Examination and must have not attained the age of 32 years to apply for CMS as of August 1 of the year of examination.

There are many more options available for your career in UPSC such as National Defence Academy, Special Class Railway Apprentice, Geologists, and Central Armed Police Forces etc. Exams of UPSC are tough but once you clear their exam, your career is established. In order to apply, you need to first check the Job profile. If you wish to apply for the UPSC CDS Job Profile you must check the profile first. As competition is ruthless in these types of exams, one must study hard and develop skills related to your field for an upper hand on your competitors. Wishing you all the best for your life as well as career.

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