To achieve big goals, enlarge your mindset. It all starts with the mindset you carry. Poor performance in the examination is a result of an unhealthy mind and negative thoughts.
You can’t win the MCQs battle if you fail the mental one. Especially you, the future doctor; managing accidental situations, or an emergency case or major operations will be your daily tasks where you have to get prepared mentally all the time.
The NEET exam prepares you mentally for such substantial tasks. The mental game of the NEET exam has started where now is only the time to expand your mindset for the NEET examination.
Please understand, it’s not just the matter of grabbing a seat in those prestigious colleges, or getting a double-digit AIR, the real game is the strength of your mind.
If you are mentally prepared for the NEET thereby knowing how to manage your stress and strains, you can crack it easily. Adversely, if you think the NEET is burdensome, it will be mentally difficult for you to crack it than it actually is.
In this article, we will be discussing 5 powerful reasons that will elevate you mentally for the preparation of the NEET examination:
1. Mental Set up:
Visualize yourself as the one who cracked the NEET examination with an astonishing score. A mental setup is far more important than the physical one. Keep saying positive things to yourself about cracking the NEET exam.
For example, I am well prepared for the NEET, I remember every single concept I’ve been taught, etc.
Keep imagining yourself as the one who got admission to the prestigious colleges of our country.
• Set Study Schedule:
It comes after the completion of mental preparation. It is a practical means to beat stress and anxiety by attending self-discipline. Assign equal time for each subject and save some space for frequent breaks.
Keep your mind well-rested, take a healthy diet, meditate or exercise daily, and most importantly save a separate part of your timetable to do what you love.
• Prepare Hand-Written Notes:
The most brilliant way to retain what you have learned is by writing it. Isn’t this thing we do at our NEET Coaching Classes? When professors deliver lectures, students note down important points.
The reason behind that is it improves memory skills. Write down minor points, formulas, and reactions in a diary, or allocate another copy for handy revision of it.
As NEET has a vast and sophisticated syllabus, it is difficult to remember each minor detail. For this, use different fonts and various colors of pens while writing your own notes. It increases the retention capacity of the brain. Moreover, you remain unconfused.
• Practise Mock Tests:
Another practical way to test your preparations. The NEET examination consists of 180 questions in total where 180 minutes are being allotted. This means students have a maximum of 1 minute to solve each question.
Practicing more mock tests increases your accuracy, problem-solving capacity and helps you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. By this, you can minimize your mistakes thereby working on your weak points.
• Always Carry a Positive Thinking:
How are you going to prepare yourself mentally carrying negative thinking?
Negative thinking generates negative results however, positive thinking generates unbelievable results.
Build a habit of thinking positively because that’s what decides the efficiency of your learning process. If you keep saying to yourself that I can’t do it or I can’t make it then, it will distort your learning capacity hence reflecting poor results.
Apart from these things, most of the aspirants make these common mistakes that affect their productivity:
Not Obeying the Study Schedule:
Self-discipline is a must to follow the timetable. Not obeying your timetable creates the habit of procrastination.
Following many Books:
Almost every topper and each NEET Coaching Institutes refer to NCERT books only. After completing NCERT, aspirants can go for a maximum of 1-2 other books.
Hectic Schedule:
If your body gets exhausted, it can’t work proficiently. Prepare a schedule that is comfortable for you.
Improper Sleep:
Improper sleep affects your memory. Your brain can’t perform till its full potential if it is not well-rested. Eight hours of nights’ sleep is recommended to keep your brain healthy.
Not Preferring Online Learning:
Online study material is made interesting using infographics. If you feel lazy by continuously reading books, shift to online learning mode.
Revision works like sharpening the edge of a sword which can dissect anything, likewise, revision can change the whole game of your NEET examination. Aspirants must revise frequently to remain unpuzzled.
If you avoid some common mistakes made by candidates thereby confronting these 5 reasons to prepare yourself practically and mentally then no one can stop you to accomplish the big desire of cracking the NEET examination with an up-to-the-mark score.