PowerGrid Recruitment 2016 Vacancies for Executive Trainee (Law)



(A Government of India Enterprise)

Advt. No. CC/02/2016

POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of India and a Navratna Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India is engaged in power transmission business with the mandate for planning, co-ordination, supervision and control over complete inter-State transmission system and operation of National & Regional Power Grids. POWERGRID operates around 1,28,079 circuit kms of transmission lines along with 205 Sub-stations (as on 31.01.2016) and wheels about 50% of total power generated in the country through its transmission network.. To take the growth curve to further heights, POWERGRID is looking for Bright, Committed and Energetic LAW GRADUATES to join its fold as EXECUTIVE TRAINEE (LAW).

Name of the Post Level Reservation
Unreserved OBC(NCL) SC ST Total
Executive Trainee (Law) E2 5 1 1 1 8

Horizontal Reservation for PwD-VH – 01

Essential Qualification

Three years full time LLB or Five years integrated law course with not less than 60% marks or equivalent CGPA as per the formula provided by the Institute/ University.

Final Year / Semester students of academic session 2015-16, who expect their results by 14.08.2016 may also be considered eligible, provided they obtain minimum 60% marks or equivalent CGPA in aggregate of all semesters/years up to pre-final examination while applying.

*Please see our detailed advertisement on our website for other eligibility conditions.

Upper Age Limit: 28 years as on 31.12.2015

Relaxations and Concessions:

Relaxation/ Concession to candidates belonging to OBC (NCL)/ SC/ ST/ PwD/ Ex-SM/ J&K Domicile / Victims of Riots category shall be as per Reservation and Government of India directives. For details, please refer to our detailed Advertisement published on the career section of our website www.powergridindia.com

Selection Process:

Interested & eligible candidates will have to appear for the CLAT 2016 (for admission to LLM/PG Courses). The Selection Process consists of CLAT2016, Group Discussion & Personal Interview. Candidates shall be short-listed for Group Discussion & Personal Interview based on their Marks in CLAT-2016 and as per the criteria decided by the Management.Candidates shall have the option for appearing in the GD/ interview in Hindi or English.

GD will not have any Qualifying Marks. Interview will have Qualifying Marks for different categories. Candidates who qualify in the Personal Interview will only be adjudged suitable for empanelment. The Offer of Appointment shall be issued to the suitable candidates in the order of merit and based on the requirement. Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in the Pre-Employment Medical Examination to be conducted as per POWERGRID Norms and Standards of Medical Fitness.

For details of Selection process, please refer to our detailed advertisement published in the career section of our website



For details of standards on medical fitness, please visit career section of our website: www.powergridindia.com

Compensation Package:

Selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of INR 24900-50500 during the one-year training period.

The Corporation offers a very attractive pay package which is one of the best in the Industry. The approximate CTC* per annum are as follows:

During Training Rs.8.15 lakhs
AfterTraining On regularization Rs. 14.44 lakhs

On regularization, the Compensation package includes Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance, Perquisites and Allowance as per cafeteria approach, Performance Related Pay, Company Leased Accommodation / Company Quarters or HRA, Reimbursement of monthly conveyance expenditure, mobile facility, Group Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, PF, Gratuity, Pension & Leave encashment etc.

The Corporation also offers excellent facilities like Short and Long term Loans & Advances in subsidized rates including House Building Advance, Medical facilities for self and dependents etc. in accordance with the policies of the Corporation from time to time.

* CTC mentioned above is indicative. Actual CTC shall depend on place of posting and other terms & conditions of appointment.

How to Apply:

1.  Interested applicants must log on to career section of www.powergridindia.com for detailed advertisement.

2. Candidates have to register themselves and appear for CLAT-2016 (applicable for post graduate programme/for admission to LLM Courses).

3. Candidates have to register themselves online at POWERGRID website at www.powergridindia.com, with details of their CLAT-2016 Application No., CLAT 2016 Control Number, CLAT 2016 Roll Number and other required information, from 1st May 2016 to 22nd May 2016.

4. Please note that online registration for CLAT -2016 shall close on 31st March 2016.

5. For details of CLAT-2016, please visit http://clat.ac.in/

“Saudamini”, Plot No.2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122001 (Haryana)www.powergridindia.com

Get detailed information about PowerGrid Recruitment and Advertisement details: http://www.powergridindia.com/_layouts/PowerGrid/WriteReadData/file/career/cc/2016/131/Detailed%20Advt_ET%202016_CLAT.pdf


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